Training women in France

As I am about to enter another very full spell, I am particularly conscious of my need for your prayers.

In particular this month, I would ask you to pray for our women's training weekend, TLP which is taking place on Friday 26 & Saturday 27 January. This is the third time we have run this conference, the aim of which is to equip Christian women to disciple and teach women within their local church context, through one-to-one Bible studies and Bible talks.

Please pray for Laura Nelson, who is speaking from 2 Corinthians 4 about the suffering and glory of Gospel ministry. She is also leading an optional afternoon on the Friday of manuscript Bible study on 2 Corinthians 1-3. Along with my trainee, Marjolaine, I am running the first year track on the hows and whys of one-to-one Bible study and an introduction to the inductive Bible study method. I am also leading the plenary sessions with an aim of sharing the vision of word-based women's ministry in the local church. The women who are returning for a second or third time have a choice between two workshops on doing a talk, and a refresher on one-to-ones.

Please pray :

- For Laura as our main speaker - for a faithful and winsome exposition of 2 Corinthians 4 that helps us to see the glory of Gospel ministry amidst the suffering.

- For all of the seminar tracks including my own.

- For clear vision-setting in the plenary session.

- For the 65 women who have already signed up (of least half of whom are first-timers), and those who we expect to sign up in the next week.

- For all of the practical organisational details.

- That my flight back from the UK the night before wouldn't be cancelled or delayed.

Debs Prisk - women’s’ worker, L’Église Connexion, Paris

Alan Bright